I like the look of the word November. the mb combination is pleasing, as is the height of the capital N along with the long stem of the lowercase b. The word ember on its own is pleasant, but the Nov makes it look powerful and worthy of a small paragraph. Yes, we are eight days into my favorite month - November.

Things are very beautiful this time of year. As a longtime sufferer of mood swings, I sort of feel like Fall is the only season that Gets Me, ya know? Hah, oh, you know what I mean. Suddenly, I have to leave lights on in my apartment for George when I know I'll be out later than 6pm. Leaves do what I imagine lightbulbs do before they burn out, except they do it for much longer. It edges on cold. Not so much where you could justify wearing all the shit you bought on clearance during the summer, but damn cool enough to snuggle up to whomever smells the nicest. It's just nice, is all.
And, just for you, a song that reminds me that I have no clue what "autumn" means.
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