It's an old question with me, isn't it? "Where has the writing gone?" It isn't here. It's visiting its dad for a few months. It's off to college. I don't know. It isn't here, though. This much is certain.
Here is how my day-to-day goes:
Wake up @0800
Dressed, washed up and out the door by 0830
Work the museum 0900-1730
Change clothes, drive downtown
Work the Cheesecake Factory from 1800-2300
Drive home
I had a brief stint with Domino's but since it was the lowest paying job, I couldn't justify the excess wear and tear on my vehicle and on me. I still work 7 days a week.
I went to H&R Block to file my taxes a few days ago.
After all was said and done,
I was informed that my refund would be about $200.
365 days of work and taxes, work and taxes, work and taxes,
bullshit bullshit bullshit, work and taxes, work and taxes...
And in the end, the fine folks at the tax office were kind enough to let me keep
I am deflated. I am exhausted.
I am being a total Whiny McTear-Stain
and I am not handling non-work related situations well.
I feel I am getting soft.
Like all Those Bitches can smell my exhaustion
and they are licking their whore mouth chops...
Am I going insane?
Am I there already?
Time will surely tell.
Write a comment
Jelly Gamat QNC (Friday, 06 May 2016 03:58)
The world is changing fast. people are also being transformed. day by day we are becoming more dependant on degital system. you are making me think of this really. You have a great method of sharing your thoughts.
Obat Jerawat (Thursday, 14 July 2016 01:39)
mohon kunjungannya, Wow Ini baru informasi yang sangat menarik, sungguh beruntung aku ada disini |
Obat Lemah Syahwat (Thursday, 11 August 2016 03:22)
mohon kunjungan baliknya di, sunggguh informasi yang anda bawakan sangat menarik dan bermanfaat, sukses selalu. By |