It has been five weeks since my last update. Five weeks ago, the picture they gave me looked like a seahorse, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you how disappointing that was. I hate seahorses. This is the kid as of a couple of days ago. Forehead. Nose. Mouth. Belly. Legs. Feet. Little arm behind its cool, calm, and collected head. My little sea monkey has finally taken shape and is now on the road to consuming the tank. Ick. Ick. Ick.
In spite of my growing affections for the little freeloader, I am still very terrified of things to come. The money situation has eased up enough where I don't feel hot flashes of panic as often as I used to, but then I have to remember that it's only because Nick and I are both working two jobs. If I were to drop the Cheesecake Factory, we'd go right back to being spread thinner than the mustard on a poor house sandwich. I am tired, though I don't feel like crying about it as often as I did in the beginning. Maybe my body is getting used to the fumes. Maybe the kid has loosened its grip on all my shit (energy, appetite, etc.). Hell, maybe this is already the 2nd trimester break in the clouds I keep reading about. I don't know. All I know is that I don't hate myself and I don't hate the kid. Not right now, anyways. It's a nice change of pace.
Oh, they moved up the due date. It was Sept. 22, but now they're estimating Sept. 15th. Nick and I have discussed names and have come up with the following, so far:
For a boy -
Herbert Orange Ortega-Tijerina
For a girl -
Emilia Edgar James Ortega-Tijerina
For a puppy -
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Geez, Brit. That's an awfully long name for your girl. And 'Orange'? What are you trying to do to this kid?"
Let me explain,
We thought brief and soft about names for the boy. Kids today are a crueler sort than they were when we were growing up, so, Knowing they're going to want to make fun of his name, we thought we'd make it something that you really can't rhyme anything with and that has no real negative associations.
Herbert, a nod to Nick's father's name Elbert,
seemed like a good fit because it's not a very common name anymore,
and I've never known any Herberts I didn't like. Come to think of it, I've never known any at all. Not to mention, it doesn't really rhyme with anything.
Furbert, maybe. Turdbert? Eh, it'll be a good long while before kids come up with that... Then Orange, of course, doesn't rhyme with anydamnthing and has, or rather HAD, no negative associations. Donald J. Drumpf has recently smeared the color Orange for me. But hopefully, if there is any God at all, he won't be elected president, and kids 6 years from now will have no clue who he is.
Emilia's name is very much a guilt trip on my part because if it IS a girl, I am almost certain that I will not want any more children for fear of having Another girl. If the first is a boy and the delivery doesn't kill me, then it'd be neat to have one more, I think. If it's a girl, so be it. Bonus if it's another boy. Do you see what I'm saying?
Anyways, I had to sort of cram all the names I like into her name.
Emilia and Edgar are both beloved pen names, and
James, after my deceased 1992 Toyota 4Runner.
I think it's got a nice ring to it, myself.
Emilia Edgar James.
With a name like that, she could be an erotic fiction writer
and give that clown who wrote 50 Shades a run for her money.
Boy, this has run on long enough, I suppose.
I'll give another update once we know what the sex is (another 6 weeks).
As always,
wish me luck.
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